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We have the workforce that's right for you A robust network of highways, railroads, and air services

Welcome to Jackson County, Ohio!  |  740-286-2838  |  Email us

Welcome to Jackson County, Ohio!

291,000 available labor force within
90-minute drive

No corporate profits tax or Income tax

Jackson County, Ohio has so much to offer today’s growing businesses. Start with a central location within one of America’s most centrally located states. Add in affordable sites, land, and buildings, a robust transportation infrastructure of both Interstate-quality highways and rail transportation (with rail-served sites), along with a long tradition of craftsmanship and productivity.

When you do business in Jackson County, you’re within a single day’s truck drive of 140 million North American consumers, and at the center of a labor shed that puts 291,000 workers within 90 minutes of your operations. Local K-12 schools and postsecondary education providers are focused on the needs of employers, delivering the skills that companies like yours need to thrive.

But that’s not all. Jackson County is located in the beautiful Appalachian foothills, providing a quality of life that’s affordable, comfortable, and full of outstanding recreational opportunities. It’s a place you and your team will be happy to call home.